About us

JADE ENTERTAINMENT (JJD Live Inc.) is a promotion, production, and marketing company based in Los Angeles. For over 30 years, it has brought together the cultural diversities of Asia and the US through an entertainment medium by introducing to America to popular music artists from Asia. The company is well known in the Asian entertainment and music industry as a producer and promoter of major concerts and events in the Norh America.

第五季國際娛樂公司是專業且經驗豐富的演唱會統籌製作、活動策劃、廣告宣傳公司,將中港台一流的歌手與表演藝術活動引進美國、加拿大。超過三十年的豐富經驗,我們成功的舉辦了超過三百場的演唱會。演出遍及美國拉斯維加斯、雷諾、洛杉磯、舊金山、芝加哥、西雅圖、馬里蘭、大西洋城 以及 加拿大多倫多等城市。

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